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QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup 2017
Veronika Hudjakova – 30th from 54 participants.
ETBF Congress 2017 held in Vienna
The ETBF Congress, which is held every second year, was this time held on 22 October 2017 in Plus Bowling in Vienna, where the European Champions Cup is conducted on 23-29 October.
Read MoreJānis Zemītis and Marija Tkačenko takes 28th place in Europe’s Champions Cup 2017
Jānis Zemītis – 28th place out of 43 participants;
Marija Tkačenko – 28th place out of 39 participants.
The winners are Philippa Persson un Mattias Wettrberg from Sweden.
Other medalists:
1. Philippa Persson, Sweden
2. Nicole Sanders, Holland
3. Solene Goron, France
3. Sue Abela, Malta
1. Mattias Wetterberg, Sweden
2. Antonino Fiorentino, Italy
3. Gaetan Mouveroux, France
3. Xander van Mazijk, Holland
Bowlero Meistars 2017 results
Artemijs Hudjakovs wins Bowlero Meistars. 2. place Jānis Zemītis. 3. place Dmitrijs Čebotarjovs. In women’s division 1. pace Elena Blagova. 2. place Marija Tkačenko.
Results excel: -ŠEIT-
LBT Reiting: LBT_2017_reitings
Pictures here: -Bildes-
More info here:
Read MoreDiāna Zavjalova – trešā pasaules reitingā
Latvijas XX Meistarsacīkstes boulingā
European Youth Championship 2017
European Youth Championships 2017
8.-17.2017 – Tali Bowl
Helsinki – Finland
EYC 2019
Great news form ETBF office – XXXII European Youth Championship will be held in Latvia and organized by Latvian Bowling Federation.
Competition will take place April 13-22, 2019 in the renewed “Pepsi Centrs”.
After 2 years we will get highest attention of bowling society and this is a great opportunity to increase popularity of bowling in Latvia. We all will need to work hard to make sure, that Championship is organized perfectly.
We are ready for it!
Read MoreDiana Zavjalova wins Qatar Bowling Open 2016
Diana Zavjalova no Latvijas kļuva par 31 sievieti, kura jebkad uzvarējusi kādu no Eiropas Boulinga Tūrēm un trešā 2016 gada sezonā. Diāna finālā pieveica Pontus Andersson no Zviedrijas, divu spēļu summa: 474-427. Diāna par uzvaru ieguva $40,000. Qatar Bowling Open 2016 bija 16 un pēdējā Eiropas Boulinga Tūre 2016 gadā, kā arī 6 un pēdējā Pasaules Boulinga Tūre 2016 gadā. Qatar Bowling Open 2016 norisinājās no 10-16 decembrim. Visu 2016 gada Eiropas Tūru rezultāti: Eiropas Boulinga Tūres 2016 Turnīra kopējais naudas fonds bija 155,999 U.S. Dolāri. 40.000 tika uzvarētājai, 20.000 otrās vietas ieguvējam, pārējais naudas fonds tika sadalīts starp dalībniekiem līdz 43 vietai.